About the 3by3 writing method

The 3by3 writing method is the result of one writer’s painful exploration into why he kept starting work on “great ideas” and after a few weeks or even months hit a solid wall. Some of those ideas ran for weeks of intense writing with awesome dialogue and great locations. What happened?

Of course the passion died, but there was a bigger problem. – And so with much self examination, research and personal pain, the 3by3 writing method emerged. Its mine. I did it, with help and advice.

What is the 3by3 writing method? It is a simple plan to get a book or story idea published. I know, it sounds like a sham-wow commercial, but here’s the key. It works. Why? Because I know the back end already. I have published with publishers. I have sold self-published books to real publishers and I have had a skid containing thousands of books delivered to my door. I have used Print on Demand and uploaded books to Kindle.

If you want to know all the details of the program try going to


I know how to publish a book and now I know what it takes to get an interesting story of book finished. And offered to the world.

The 3by3 writing method may not work for everyone, but I am posting it so that others may benefit from my discoveries.

Now I am working on the second book. – getting your book published. You can be published, at no cost. But it is always better to have a publisher to the technical work. However, after exhausting that route, self-publishing might be the answer. The second book in the series will address the path to of getting published. Because if they won’t do it, you can.

22 Responses to About the 3by3 writing method

  1. Sharon K Owen says:

    I like this post. Very similar strategy to mine. I look forward to following your posts.

  2. I like what you say, as well. Looking forward your posts.

  3. ellisonbaypottery says:

    I look forward to spending more time to study your ‘plan’. I am always looking to improve.

  4. Janece says:

    Thanks for stopping by my blog today. Did you happen to read any of my fictional pieces? There’s a tab called “Works in Progress”. I’d be interested in getting your take, since you sound like a very experienced guy. I’m also curious about your method, so I’ll be following you. Seems like writing books is much like birthing children – everyone has their own stories, tips and tricks. LOL

    • Your analogy about books being like (birthing) children is a home run
      Your books are loved, adored, nurtured, set off on their own, live their own lives, affect other people, your responsibility, take a long time to mature, are cranky, demand attention and rarely pay you back!

    • i am very careful about showing anyone a “work in progress” The problem is that a work in progress is “not ready for prime time. I know from experience that even a manuscript that he writer thinks is ready, probably is riddled with wrong words (they go through spell check but are the wrong words), repeated words, conflicting plot points, old character names (not changed since that shower where you realized Tobin was a much better moniker), partial sentences and who knows what else.
      Here’s the thing. ,So, I am being very wordy here so as to carefully word this and hide the following advice hidden in the body of a long reply, but I know the story beginning with a bicycle crash is in need of tightening and duplicate words in the first paragraph. The good news is that it is a good beginning. I would also watch the verbs ending in “ing”. (see my recent post on this)
      Another on-personal warning. I do not trust the internet (or most wanna be writers who read our work). Remember, if someone steals your words it will be up to you to bring suit, prove damages and then go through the long process to actually recover such damages. Why offer someone the chance?
      My personal solution is to work with a small group of trusted critique partners. We hand out our copies, get feedback and then take the marked up papers back, leaving no work behind.
      In my early years I was delusional enough to think my careful editing caught all the mistakes. I am older and much humbler now, (although I still love playing God, manipulating characters at the tap of a keyboard).
      My suggestion would be to get a trusted reader on your side. Most readers can spot the obvious errors if they are looking for them.
      So in conclusion, thank you for checking out my site and for reading this long winded and verbose reply,

  5. elmowrites says:

    Thanks for dropping in on my NaNoWrimo post. I agree about planning, it works for me for novels. However, some people prefer to write by the seat of their pants – each to their own I guess.

  6. Erv Barnes says:

    Clearly, I need to spend some more time, here.

  7. Neeks says:

    I’m interested in learning more about the 3by3 method.

    • In the early posts there are details about the first third of the method. Current posts are sidebars on writing. We are now working on formatting the manuscript for self-publishing and the details of POD and eBook publishing.

  8. kazclow says:

    I found your page very interesting. For years I wrote purely as a hobby, now however i do intend to canvas my work to agents. (Not a task for the fainthearted!) Fortunately I’m already blessed with a large following of readers who love my books, they encourage me constantly. i hope one day an agent will feel the same. .

    • If you have a large following, by all means mention this in any query letter. Back in the 1990’s I had a decent following that were using my self-published text book. I sold it to a publisher (sans agent) but it stayed in print 14 years.
      An author with a paying following is very valuable. You should be able to parlay that into a publishing deal. I would suggest trying to find an editor who deals with your genre and approach him/her directly. An agent may be needed for further deal making, but a writer who sells is very publishable.

    • you should be able to parlay that following to a publishing deal. Find an editor who works in the same genre and contact them dirrectly.
      Any author with a following is a potential boon to a company with marketing clout.
      I sold my text book to a publisher after establishing myself and it remained in print for 14 years.

  9. Hi,
    great blog!
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    You can subscripe and get it every Friday.

    All the very best,

  10. Jeuron says:

    Your blog always has useful information for writers. I have even applied some of it towards advancing my own writing career.

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