Why the 3by3 writing method went quiet – or how I fell off the word wagon

It often comes to “Do as I say not as I do.” Well the do do to that I did do was a classic. First for a reason I will explain in a few days, I decided to start my own website. Being a fairly intelligent human I assumed I could plow my way into this new frontier.
I thought if you played with Photoshop, paid a couple dollars for a domain name and uploaded a file you would have a website.
Ah, no.
I have been embarrassed and humiliated by my lack of understanding this foreign language called HTML,(even when there is a program to translate it), my lack of understanding the difference between a DNS, web host, and about fifteen other crazy initials that make no sense to me.
What did I do? I got DISTRACTED. I squandered my morning writing hour (and even more in the night), trying to design and upload a website when I didn’t have to.
THEN to make matters worse I transferred my failure at learning web design in a mere week to failure in EVERYTHING WRITTEN.
It wasn’t until a Sunday night critique group told me not could I create a coherent sentence and elicit a chuckle and a laugh from my writing.
Here I was blogging about keeping the faith, mid-book blues and not to be distracted and I did it myself.
The moral of the story is – be berry, berry careful. It could happen to you!
Get some friends and cry on their shoulder and have them tell you that you’re a good writer.

About 3by3 writing method

The author of 12 books, half of them textbooks, two novels and three self help. has struggled with his challenges of completion, distractions, plotting and writers block. Finally after getting stopped I stopped and analyzed what was going on and spent a lot of introspection, research and reading trying to locate the source of these issues. The result of was the 3by3 writing method - a three step program to start and then continue the process of completing a story all the way to publication.
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